David Eustace: Thereafter: at the Signet Library

31 July - 13 August 2023


at the Signet Library

Parliament Square, Edinburgh EH1 1RF


10am - 4pm daily

Free admission





'The only constant is change'

-Heraclitus, Greek philosopher, c.500 BC


Nothing remains as it was; the wind, a river flowing, a snowfall,

the downpour of rain, sunlight on a landscape, the landscape itself.

Likewise, our mind and body changes daily … other than perhaps

the atoms that make up the centre of the eye … we are never

the same unchanged structure for a lifetime.

THEREAFTER is a statement that explores and ultimately

responds to transition, energy, change and hope.

Our perception is self-determined, it is for that moment irrelevant

of formula and as we view it, can never be what it once was …

a fleeting moment already passed.

- David Eustace, 2023

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